Social Spatialisation & Spatial Justice Workshop

March 27-28 2024 9-5pm

Henderson Hall, Rutherford Library South, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada.

Participant Bios Rutherford Library and Hotel Walking Map

Day 1 March 27:

8:30 Buffet Breakfast

9am-10:30am Spatial Justice and Injustice

Prof. A. Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (Westminster); Prof. R. Shields (UAlberta)

Break [10 min]

10:40am-12:10pm Relations of Difference: Races, Sexualities, Others

Prof. S.A. Tate (Canada Research Chair UAlberta); P. Wikander (UAlberta)

Breakout question: (These are “leads” to discussion) Intros.  Are all forms of justice necessarily tied to an institutional space and scale?  How can justice be transformed?

12:10 pm Lunch

1pm Walk and talk Climate justice, social justice, body A. Lozowy (Concordia)

2pm-3:30pm The Production of Spaces

Prof. A.F. Carlos (São Paulo); N. Carter (Macquarrie); Prof. Justine Lloyd (Macquarrie), 

Break [10 min]

3:40pm-5:10pm Cultural Memory and Neo-colonial spatialisations

Prof. S. Bookman (Manitoba); P. Sangapala (UAlberta); R. Costa (UAlberta)

Breakout: What have we learned today in temporal and spatial terms, distinguishing problems, issues, dilemmas?

5:10 Break 

6:00pm Working Dinner for visitors (R. Shields)


Day 2 March 28

8:30 Buffet Breakfast

9am-10:30am – Social Spatialisation in Everyday Life: materiality, ethics

Prof. J. Van Loon (Eichstätt); J. Guevara (UAlberta)

Break [10 min]

10:40am-12:10pm Urban and Rural Relations

Prof. F. Link (PUCC Santiago); Prof. J. Evans (UAlberta); Prof. H. Abdollahyan (Tehran)

Breakout: How might counterspaces as “storehouses” of (anti-)institutional achievements and alternatives to the status quo nurture emancipatory forms of justice?  What does this mean for spatial justice?

12:10 Lunch

1-2:30 pm Spaces of Exception and Liminality

Prof. M. Shymchyshyn (Kyiv/Manitoba) N. Hardy (UAlberta)

Breakout: In what ways are representations of space terrains of struggle for and against injustice?

Break [10 min]

2:40-3:20pm Insurgent Spatialisations: Worldings, Spatial Silencing and Injustice

Prof. C. Cambre (Concordia); Prof. S. Mookerjea (UAlberta)

Breakout: What “crisis” is justice?  And, how do communities and collectives respond?

Break [10 min]

3 :30-4:10 pm Summative Evaluation and Close

Manzah-Kyentoh Yankey (UAlberta), R. Shields (UAlberta)

Break & walk to Restaurant

6:00 pm Workshop dinner (R. Shields UAlberta)


This workshop builds on reconciliation efforts that commenced with recognizing that the University of Alberta is located on Treaty 6 and Metis land in Amiskwacîwâskahikan, Beaver Hills, a traditional meeting place of Indigenous cultures and of many nations.